Why do I race my bike is a question that I ask myself A LOT. After racing on the track saturday night, I went to bed very sore, tired, and needing to take my inhaler. I missed hanging out with my friends to race my bike, but why? Well, these are the answers that I came up with.
1. I feel accomplished after I finish a race or training ride. I know that I am working hard towards my goals and that my hard work will pay off. There is no other feeling like finishing a 90 mile race and knowing that you gave it your all.
2. Cycling provides me with goals in life. I am a highly motivated person and having goals drives me every day to work hard. If I can dream it, I can do it.
3. The people and places that Cycling has taken me to are amazing. I have raced all over America and have even raced in Belgium! I would have never been able to go to Europe if it weren't for cycling. I have also met the most wonderful people through cycling. I feel very blessed to know the people that I do. They truly care for me.
4. Cycling also keeps me in shape. If I wasn't cycling, I would probably be 15 pounds heavier and eating whatever looked good.
5. Competition. I am very competitive and I am wired to compete. I like trying to do my best to overcome my competition and rivals.
Those are a couple of the reasons that I love my sport. I feel as though my bike is my identity, and I wouldn't know what to do without it. Life is not very easy for me and cycling gives me an outlet to plug into when I need to let my anger out. I sacrifice a lot for cycling, but it has given me so much in return. Cycling has also taught me a lot about life. Cycling has taught me that life isn't easy, you have to work for what you want, and patience is key. I love my sport and I wouldn't do anything over in my life.
Thanks for reading and being a part of my life.